facilitates enhanced learning

We provide tools and services that help educators in any setting maximize the value of learning content used by their students

About Us

Founded in 1996, Study.Net pioneered the development of software as a service to identify and assemble an assortment of learning materials for direct digital delivery to student users. Our first content partner was Harvard Business Publishing; our first institutional customer was University of Michigan.

Study.Net quickly became a critical service partner for schools committed to the digital delivery of copyright permission content from multiple publishing sources. In the “early days” Study.Net was an alternative to the traditional textbook model for the selection and delivery of learning content.

Like most disruptive activities, the pace of change was tempered by the familiarity and comfort of the status quo. Still, the flexibility, convenience and immediacy of using digital content from potentially “any” source was too compelling to ignore. Study.Net prospered by addressing the rapidly changing needs of individual educators and single institutions as they migrated from an establish brick-and-mortar/textbook model to a solution that was better suited for a more dynamic learning environment.

Today, we take much of this for granted, as the development of learning content, and the delivery of education continues to undergo significant change. We are reminded daily how accessible the publishing process has become. And the growth of online learning programs and the subsequent need for curated and optimized learning content, for immediate delivery to demanding audiences, drives a market for the Study.Net solution.

More than 20 years after our launch, Study.Net remains a recognized leader in facilitating the delivery of a vast array of free and copyright-protected learning content for schools, non-profit organizations and companies. While a lot has changed, schools and educators in any setting still want the most relevant material to achieve their teaching objectives.

Using content from traditional publishing sources, school subscription services and new media sources, along with an educator’s original material, Study.Net makes it easy for customers to assemble, deliver and manage the permitted use of learning material from practically any source. This approach has consistently provided cost savings to customers with the assurance of copyright compliance.

Driven to constantly improve the user experience, the newest version of Study.Net offers a broad range of tools to customize (i.e. “enhance”) content with the addition of layered elements (e.g. questions, exercises, prompts, content links, and supplementary comments). The enhanced learning materials increase student engagement, retain relevancy, and provide opportunities for a more tailored experience.

All of this is accomplished with an easy-to-use software platform and amazing support from a team that has decades of industry experience. Indeed, Study.Net is fortunate to have retained exceptional talent from around the world. Well-known for its willingness and ability to customize solutions to meet the needs of its customers, Study.Net is also a student favorite for unrivaled 24/7 support. Study.Net’s software solution, world-class support, and commitment to be the best make it an easy choice.

SN Advantage

Educators, schools, and companies use Study.Net to ensure that their students can access the most relevant learning content as efficiently as possible, with all of the support they may need, at a reasonable cost.

Our customers use Study.Net because:

  • The software service/platform is straightforward, logical and easy to use
  • Study.Net thoroughly understands the business of content delivery and permission management – we anticipate your needs, and protect your interests
  • is device, browser, and LMS platform neutral
  • Learning material from virtually any source, in any format, can be assembled in a content bundle for direct delivery to students
  • The use of aggregated content from different sources – Study.Net’s specialty – is the preferred choice of educators demanding relevant material for an increasingly flexible, interactive, high-expectation learning environment
  • The ability to “enhance” learning content with the addition of custom elements to digital material is a game-changer, worth every penny of cost
  • Study.Net assumes the risk of copyright compliance and all of the management headache
  • With Study.Net, schools and organizations have nearly unlimited flexibility to manage pricing and payment options
  • Students have multiple ways to use and manage their learning content
  • Study.Net per-user pricing costs less than in-house solutions
  • User support exceeds all expectations – it is simply the best
  • Study.Net’s software service can be used alone or as a component of a school's LMS platform
  • Study.Net will design custom solutions to meet the unique needs of any school or company user, at no additional cost to your school or company
  • The Study.Net user experience reflects exceptionally well on educators, schools, and companies
  • The value of using Study.Net far exceeds the cost – both in terms of saved expense and enhanced reputation

Study.Net’s success is a result of our commitment to facilitate enhanced learning, by providing the best possible content experience for every user – whether student, educator, or administrator.

Getting Started

Using Study.Net is straightforward. We promise.

With an email and password, you first register as a Study.Net user. At that time, you select a role (coordinator, instructor, or student) and affiliate with a school or organization (not required, but necessary to create or purchase a content bundle affiliated with your school or company).

As an instructor (or school/program coordinator), you can then create a content bundle with assembled content from various sources for direct digital delivery to your students.

Content includes personal material you upload, copyright permission content, and material that you otherwise access and include in a content bundle. While digital access is always available, optional print copies can also be offered.

All pricing is real-time and always available to review. Content bundles are priced to include a flat assembly fee (e.g. $4.95 per student per bundle); and a per material delivery fee (e.g. $.30 per material per student). These fees pay for use of Study.Net, e-commerce processing, and 24/7 support. An additional copyright fee is charged for any material that requires payment of a permission fee to the content rightsholder.

Instructors can also enhance any digital document with the addition of layered elements (e.g. questions, quizzes, polls, prompts, exercises, comments, or links). Interactive responses are automatically stored and available for future review and use.

As a student, you may purchase content bundles created for your affiliation (i.e. school or organization) from the Study.Net Store. Students can then view, print, and/or save this content, as well as manage its digital use with annotations and shared enhancements.

Usage reports are available anytime for instructors and school coordinators. Existing courses can be easily copied and /or edited. Materials used in a content bundle can be save to a shared school or company library or the user’s personal library on Study.Net for future use.

So, it really is that simple.

Who's Using Study.Net?

Harvard Business Publishing
Wharton School of Business
Darden Business Publishing
Northwestern Kellog
Tuck at Dartmouth
University of Oregon
Cornell Johnson
University of Texas
Columbia University
Georgia State University

First in the direct delivery of learning content to higher education and professional students.

© 1997-2025 Study.Net